Advanced container deep-dive

Tomáš Tomeček
Peter Schiffer



  • Debugging
  • Building images
  • Networking
  • Capabilities
  • SELinux
  • Namespaces
  • Seccomp


  • Fedora 25 Atomic Host
  • $ rpm-ostree status
  • Vagrant
  • Useful aliases:
    $ alias docker="sudo docker"
    $ alias d="sudo docker"
    $ alias
    $ docker images

Debugging (getting logs)

  • Let's start with nginx...
    $ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx modularitycontainers/nginx
    $ curl -v localhost
    $ curl -v localhost/does-not-exist
  • How does my container gets run?
    $ docker inspect nginx
    $ docker inspect modularitycontainers/nginx
    $ docker history --no-trunc modularitycontainers/nginx

Debugging (getting logs) II

  • How do I see logs of my application?
    $ docker logs nginx
    $ docker logs -f nginx
  • How do I get logs via API?
    $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \
    $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \

Debugging (getting logs) III

Debugging (getting logs) IV

  • I want to see logs from files inside container.
    $ docker run --name db -it -d -p 5432:5432 \
      -e POSTGRESQL_USER=pguser \
      -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=pgpasswd \
      -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=our_db \
  • Let's see the logs then...
    $ docker exec -ti db bash -c \
      "tail -f /var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata/pg_log/*.log"
    $ docker stop db
    $ docker cp db:/var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata/pg_log/ ./logs

Debugging - tools

  • They said it always works:
    $ docker run --rm -ti --name=working-container this-always-works
    $ sudo strace docker run --rm -ti this-always-works
    $ docker run -ti --name=working-container this-always-works bash
    $ docker inspect working-container
    $ docker history this-always-works
    $ docker run -ti --rm --name=working-container \
      --entrypoint="/bin/bash" this-always-works -l

Debugging - tools II

  • Let's finally run strace
    $ strace /this-errors-out
    $ id
    $ dnf install strace
    $ docker run -ti --rm --user=root \
      --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --name=working-container \
      --entrypoint="/bin/bash" this-always-works -l
    $ dnf install strace
    $ strace /this-errors-out

Building images

  • How do I handle secrets during build?
    $ docker history --no-trunc secret-image
    $ docker run --rm -ti secret-image bash
    $ ls -lha /home/app/.ssh
    $ docker save -o image.tar secret-image
    $ sudo mc
  • Is layering that important?
    $ docker images fat
    $ docker history --no-trunc fat
    $ docker images slim
    $ docker history --no-trunc slim

Building images II

  • Cache
    $ docker run --rm current-date
    $ docker build --tag=current-date ./cache
    $ docker run --rm current-date


$ man capabilities
  • What capabilities a container has by default?
    $ docker run --rm -ti fedora:25 getpcaps 1
  • What capabilities a privileged container has by default?
    $ docker run --rm -ti --privileged fedora:25 getpcaps 1

Capabilities II

  • CAP_CHOWN — Make arbitrary changes to file UIDs and GIDs
    $ docker run --rm -ti --cap-drop=chown fedora:25 bash
    [root@9c433e5d4427 /]# chown 2:2 root/.bashrc
    chown: changing ownership of 'root/.bashrc': Operation not permitted
    [root@9c433e5d4427 /]# ll root/.bashrc
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Feb  5  2016 root/.bashrc

More info: rhelblog.redhat.../secure-your-containers-with-this-one-weird-trick/

Capabilities III

  • CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE — service can bind to ports <1024



Networking II

  • So how does docker networking work by default?
    $ docker network ls
    $ docker create -ti --name=toy -p 8000:8000 fedora:25 bash
    $ ip addr show docker0
    $ docker network inspect bridge
    $ ip route
    $ iptables -t nat -L -nv
    $ iptables -L -nv


More info:

More info:


  • Introduction:
    $ getenforce
    $ docker create -ti -v $PWD/volume:/volume --name=toy fedora:25 bash
    $ ll -Z -d ./volume
    $ docker start toy
    $ docker attach toy
    $ ll -Z -d /
    $ touch /volume/file

SELinux II

  • -v path:/container_path:z — shared
  • -v path:/container_path:Z — not shared
    $ ll -Z /etc/shadow
    $ docker run --rm -ti -v /etc/shadow:/hostshadow:Z \
      --name=toy fedora:25 bash
    $ ll -Z /hostshadow
    $ ll -Z /etc/shadow
    $ restorecon -v /etc/passwd
    $ ll -Z /etc/shadow
    $ restorecon -v -F /etc/passwd
    $ ll -Z /etc/shadow

Be careful relabeling volumes with Container run times.


  • Is there an alternative?
    $ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/volume2:/volume/:Z \
      --security-opt=label:disable --name=toy fedora:25 bash
    $ ll -Z /
    $ touch /volume/file
    $ ll ./volume2
    $ ll -Z -d ./volume2


  • Please show me the details of namespaces.
    $ ll --color=no /proc/self/ns/
    $ docker run --rm -ti fedora:25 ls -lha /proc/self/ns


  • How are Cgroups used?
    $ docker create --name=toy --memory 256m \
      --cpu-period=50000 --cpu-quota=25000 \
      fedora:25 sleep 9999
    $ docker start toy
    $ find /sys/fs/cgroup/ | grep ID
    $ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker-ID.scope/cpu.cfs_period_us


  • What is seccomp?
    $ cat seccomp/profile.json
    $ docker run -ti \
      --security-opt seccomp=seccomp/profile.json \
      fedora:25 bash
    $ chmod 0000 /root/anaconda-ks.cfg

Questions are welcome!